Living a Positive Life in a Negative World
Jerry Lancaster 5/27/20 - "Two Houses in a Hurricane"
Luke 6:46-49
5/13 Jerry Lancaster - What If the Face of God Seems Hidden?
Psalms 13 & Hebrews 11:13 & 35b - 40
Jerry Lancaster -5/20/20 - What if the Fool Says There is No God?
Psalms 14 and Matthew 7:21-29
5/6 Jerry Lancaster - What If the Faithful Fail?
Psalms 12
4/29 Jerry Lancaster - Living a Positive Life in a Negative World Series "What If The Foundations Be Destroyed"
Psalms 11
4/22 A Turtle on a Fencepost
II Timothy 2:2 and Mark 3:13-15
4/15 God Will Take Care of You Living a Positive Life in a Negative World Series